Revealing inner Wealth


Living a spirit-led life is essential to your success in life. The Holy Spirit will save you time, money, and energy when you listen to Him and obey His instructions. When you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, you will find yourself walking in the power of God like never before. In Creflo Dollar’s timely series Follow the Flow: Walking with the Holy Spirit, you will learn how to be guided into God’s plan for your life by positioning yourself for revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit

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Did you know that prosperity is already in you? If you are in Christ, you already possess every spiritual resource you need to experience the abundant life of God on this earth. The key is found in renewing your mind to what you already have within and learning how to withdraw it on demand. In the powerful series Revealing Inner Wealth, Creflo Dollar reveals how to unlock financial prosperity from within.


Creflo Dollar


3 CD Message, 3 DVD Message